Monday 1 November 2010

On the Painting Tray: November 2010

In October, I finished off my Republican Roman legionaries: 48 Hastati.  This month, I want to do some serious reworking of a load of old Lamming Italian foot.  They need some retouching, some new weapons and shields and, worst of all, rebasing.  I don't think I know anyone who likes that!


  1. Rebasing! Sends shivers down the spine.

    Even more if you make the fatal error (as some do)of using Superglue to base them onto MDF. Like my mate did.

    I think it took him an hour a base just to get the little beggars off. And there were many caualties in the process.

    I did comment on why my army was facing a midget army with no feet the next time we met.

  2. Hi Phil, good to hear from you. I must admit I'm really not looking forward to it. Still, it's a reasonably quick way to get service out of old figures. Just very messy. I won't use superglue!


  3. I like rebasing. Well I suppose I do; I must have rebased at least half of my minis. A few have been rebased twice...

    Re MDF, soaking will do it in the end. But superglue onto washers... that's a nightmare!

  4. Hi Simon, I don't think I have rebased anything in my ancients collection more than once. I do have a large job waiting for my 15mm Russian Napoleonic army, though. I think I'll wait a while for that one.


  5. I use UHU to base figures onto MDF. It takes a while to set, but once dry it holds quite securely and I have found that they can be quite easily and quickly pried off with a small chisel.

  6. Thanks, Ian, I think I might follow up on that. I'm pretty sure there's some Uhu around here somewhere.
