First of all, a happy New Year to all and sundry. For me, this year begins with the need to base another Roman legion. Once that is out of the way, I'll do a final reckoning of the numbers for 2014. My immediate jobs after that will be some Roman cavalry to go with the legions and a C-in-C stand for the same army. Then I'll do some minor things that have been niggling for a while: a dozen Parthian camelphracts and a couple of Indian elephants for Hydaspes.
The longer term is determined by the needs of the campaign. I want to finish off my North African army, and for that I'll need another couple of large infantry units; a load of light infantry; and some skirmish javelinmen. The main job for this year, though, will be an Early German army. I saw a beautiful paint job using Old Glory figs on the web sometime last year. They had all-white shields, and the few clothes they had were earth tones and greens, apart from the wealthy dudes. I'm going to go with that, although I will use transfers by LBMS for the shields. I'll also use Old Glory - I do like their Germans and Gauls, although the latter will come some time in the future. Graham at the club has Germans, although they are really for the Marcomannic Wars; I feel the need to supplement them for the earlier period. Besides, we will probably need loads for the Cimbric migration. Once I get this lot out of my system, I'll probably paint the rest of the legions. Lots of Roman civil wars are on the distant horizon...
REVIEW: Sun County
When *RuneQuest *burst upon the roleplaying game scene in 1978, it quickly
became known for both its percentile-based skill system (which would later
57 minutes ago
Good plans there! Can't fault them at all :) All the best for 2015!
ReplyDeleteCheers, Aaron - I hope 2015 is a good year for you too.