Monday 25 November 2013

Hello to William Stewart

...of Imagi-Nations fame; you can find his blog here.  I admire the work people put into their imagi-Nations worlds, especially the 18th century style ones.  It's not something I'd do because I am being utterly ruthless about keeping to my own commitments.  I prefer large projects, and I know that if I over-commit I'll never get anything even remotely finished.  However, I do still have a hankering after an Imagi-Nations World of Greyhawk wargames campaign - it would be another use for my ancients/medievals, of course!  But I'd really need to beef up my fantasy collection.  One day, perhaps.  In the meantime I'll quite happily peruse blogs such as William's for ideas...


  1. Thank you for the kind welcome. Fame might be just a little over stated. Infamous however....

    I have been dabbling in Imaginations ever since reading the classic books by Charles Grant and Brigadier Young back in the 70’s. Also since reading Tony Bath’s campaign book and the articles in Battle Magazine and Military Modeling a long time ago. I am a wargaming butterfly so dabbling is the correct word.

    I have been playing Tactica off and on since it was published back in 1989 and still find it to be my favorite ancient set of rules.

    1. Hi William, I agree with you about Tactica. The second edition adds more flexibility to army and unit choices, and so would give the game a much wider appeal. It really would be good to see it in publication.

    2. I have seen T2 and it looks interesting - I've known Mitch Berdinka for years. Seems to me a cross between Armati and T1 would give a fairly close working approximation of T2 until it is published.

    3. I've been following Mitch's blog - have you by any chance played a part in the resistible rise of Minimus!?

  2. I have gamed with him many times but unfortunately not T2. He lives no great distance as the crow flies but there is water, boats and schedules to cross.

  3. I know what you mean about schedules: trying to coincide is the worst!
