Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Numidian Light Infantry

I've been plodding along with these guys in the run up to the holiday weekend:
 Four units of 18 light infantry, plus a command base. You can tell the command guy because he has a big shield - must be rich or something.
Each unit also has a small command group of its own. No big shields, but they can afford proper white clothing. One of them even has a sword!
I went for quite bold but random designs on the shields. presumably they are made from various animal hides and bits of leather stitched together - goatskin and whatever else comes to hand.
The bases are deliberately sparse to make them look like scrubland. Figures are by Crusader Miniatures. I have another 144 of them for the closer based units to go with the Companion Miniatures figs I already have. Crusader's style works well with Companion. Crusader also offers other foot options as part of their range: trained infantry and also imitation legionaries. For the moment, I'm sticking with these generic warriors. I will eventually get around to the legionary types when we need them later in the campaign.

I think this will be quite an unusual army - I don't think I've ever seen a whole Numidian army, at least not in this size, 15mm being more common. I'm going to need them, though - Jugurtha has appeared and is busy looting chunks of Roman North Africa, along with the odd massacre or two of Roman citizens. Reprisal will be on its way soon...


  1. Very impressive and very nice, well done with these Numidian LI!

  2. That is going to be quite a horde! Very nice...and I really like the sparse bases!

  3. Fabulous looking troops - and plenty of them too!

  4. Superb, I don't think I've ever seen a Numidian army in 28 so kudos! I really like your skin tones and shields. This muster will make Marius most unhappy.

    1. Hi Monty - I don't think there's anything that made Marius happy!

  5. Excellent looking horde of Numidians! Light and fast!

  6. Those are great and very scruffy looking too. I like the skin and garment colors. I'm doing my Romans/barbarians using Blue Moon 18mm figs and they don't make any Numidians sadly.

    1. Hi Joseph, thanks for looking. "Scruffy" is definitely a good word for them...
