Monday, 2 November 2015

On the Painting Tray: November 2015

Romans. Again.

Nearly finished one legion that I started on arriving in Cheltenham. About to begin another of painted figs given to me by Roy. I might call them the 1st and 2nd Cheltonians, but then again that sounds like a Very British Civil War. Seriously, Cheltonians. Apparently that's what people from round these parts call themselves. Legiones I et II Cheltonia? Maybe not - with names like that they'll probably never defeat anyone...


  1. Well maybe not actually defeat anyone, but I am sure they would lose with tremendous style. You know the sort of thing;

    'The Legates dead and the multiple dart throwers jammed...
    Cheltonia Floreat .'

    1. That would make a good motto! Thanks, John

  2. You have stolen a march on me; I can't start my own Roman build up until next week! They look good.

  3. Love these romans. Also like those embossed shields, I have some of the winged ones but not seen any painted, also have some of the very ornate ones as well. Not likely to use them because they lack the depression on the reverse side for the figs hands to fit into. Keep these coming!

  4. I know what you mean, they do take quite a bit to glue properly. I used several kinds for this legion, partly because I had them lying around, and partly because I liked the idea of a somewhat mixed look for a veteran legion.

  5. I use superglue (for everything as dries quickly) but its no use for shields if there is no "dimple" on the back. The ornate ones are lovely and would save me from buying LBM Transfers. I'm still trying to find enough companion figs to complete my legion before I start to day I will track them down

    1. I think we must be online at the same time! No dimple is a right pain, but you are right - it saves on LBMS transfers...
