Monday, 12 December 2016

Quarter of a million

No real reason for posting this, except that my hit number for the blog reached 250,000 some time over the weekend. Helped, no doubt, by Russian robots. I originally started doing this because Mark Grindlay back up in Glasgow suggested it as a way to get a free website, as well as being a good way to keep a sort of online diary of gaming things. That was in May 2010, a chance discussion on the way to a game at Willie's place, if I remember correctly. So it has taken me six years to get to this stage. Thanks, Mark!


  1. Congratulations! 6 years and 1/4 million is a great achievement!

  2. Well done old boy, keep 'em coming.

  3. Congrats, Paul! Where would we be without our bot friends? ;-) Here's to several quarter millions more!

  4. Congratulations on hitting an important milestone. Well deserved.

  5. Hi Gordon, I hope Caesar arrived okay!

  6. Thanks everyone, I can only dream enviously of the giddy heights achieved by others...

  7. Well done Paul. Yes, Mark has a lot to answer for. He got me into blogging before I knew what a blog was. I will be celebrating when I get to 161, lucky number, I think.

    1. Hi Simon, he does have a lot to answer for! In the nicest possible way, of course...

  8. Congrats, Paul!Keep plugging away.Arty says he's ironing out details now with the publisher. Maybe we'll see T2 soon.
