Saturday, 9 June 2012

Foot Companions

These are by 1st Corps:

These are for Willie.  He wanted them done as foot companions; I think they would do for Alexander's Hypaspists with pikes.  This takes my running total for 2012 to 167 painted 25/28mm figs.  It's a bit less than I would have liked, but then I did spend a lot of time building the battlefield for Plataea.  I should catch up a bit more over the next month or so with holiday time.


  1. Nice looking unit; I have some of the 1st Corps Hypaspists; they look good along with the Foundry I have too. Dean

  2. Thanks for looking, guys. It has to be said, the cloaks did take a while...

    Dean's idea of mixing them with Foundry is a good one; I hadn't thought of that. Might need to try it sometime!

  3. Great looking bunch and those cloaks are very sharp!

  4. Nice sarissa armed Hypaspists, I have a unit of these to do as well. 1st Corps deserve to be popular as they have some excellent ranges.

  5. Thanks Monty. I agree with Cyrus, 1st Corps is pretty much my first stop for figures at the moment.
