Saturday 1 May 2010

On the painting tray: May 2010

Last month was very productive, probably because I wasn't painting Romans: 18 Companions; a mounted Alexander figure; 72 Imitation Legionaries; and 36 Light Infantry.  All of these have been waiting to be redone as part of the ongoing cleanup of my older figures.  I'm finding that I can do this a lot more quickly when I get some time, and it is encouraging.  Next up: 4 elephant casualty figs (courtesy of Simon the Big Red Bat) and 48 Ligurians for the next Zama game.  The latter is a batch of really old, badly painted stuff (with enamels) that I bought at a show dirt cheap years ago, plus some of my own Essex figures.  I hope they will look all right mixed in together.


  1. I`m hoping to have my Avantine Romans painted and based soon, and they`ll be looking for a "punch up". Perhaps the Zama game? See my blog.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Whoops, several typos there. Anyway, what I was trying to write was that I've linked in with your new blog.


  4. Thanks for the scenarios elsewhere here - have linked.

    James - Olicanalad

  5. Hi James, thanks for looking. Your figures are coming along really well.

