The yellow refers to the shields, not the performance in combat. Although that remains to be seen:
Just a single photo for the moment. I'm still waiting for everything to settle down before I can properly organise any of my games stuff. This will take a while, but in the meantime I am still painting, although not as often as I would have liked. Usually too exhausted after a day at work to do much other than vegetate. So painting is now relegated to the weekends only. Still, these guys didn't take too long to finish. They are the last of a batch Roy gave to me, already with a base paint job on them, which has helped because it speeds things up. This is the second of my Gripping Beast legions, and I have painted them with plain yellow shields to complement their white compatriots. Officers and random guys are by a mix of manufacturers, including Navigator, Companion and, probably, Foundry. As with the previous lot, the bases are a bit thicker to compensate for the relatively small size and build of the minis; hopefully they won't look too out of place next to the likes of Companion Miniatures on the tabletop.
FPW - Baden infantry regiment #3
With the weather taking a bit of a turn for the worse, I decided to spend
some time getting a 3rd infantry regiment completed for the Baden Division.
Once ...
1 minute ago