Sunday 27 February 2011

Latin Cavalry

I finally managed to take photos of the Latin cavalry I've recently completed:
A full unit shot
Close up of the command figures
Close shot of the rear
A side view
The shielded side
Figures are by 1st Corps and transfers by LBMS for Aventine Velites.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Welcome to Joao Mota

We've just been joined by Joao Mota of Garage Exclusive Models (blog here). This company makes some lovely resin scenics for 1/72 among other things. There's an especially lovely cemetary statue model, and a fountain as well.  Do have a look!

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Welcome to JFaria

Just to say welcome to JFaria (blog here) and thanks for coming to my humble strand of the web. It's nice to see someone from Portugal, particularly someone who is so effective at painting WWII.

Monday 21 February 2011

Sumerians for a change

I made it along to the club last Tuesday for the first time in ages. We took a break from the campaign as Simon brought in his own Sumerians plus some he has on temporary loan. He put together a reasonably sized combination. It was nice to play something a bit different for a change. I don't have any photos, but here's a report using Battle Chronicler:
Billy and William played the invading forces of Umma (or something like that); in blue, at the top. On their right (left as you look at the map): two units of 24 foot in two ranks, and then one unit of 24 foot behind another of 36 in columns facing inwards to the ford. On the other side of the river they had two units of two Battle Carts; a large 48-figure Warband in depth; a large unit of three Battle Carts; and a dozen light infantry.  Loads of skirmishers were out front.

As Lagash, we had some Light Infantry in the woods to our left, with two units of 24 Foot in three ranks to their right rear. The centre was composed of another unit of 24 Foot in three ranks; two Battle Carts; 36 Foot in three ranks; two Battle Carts; and another 24 Foot in three ranks. The right saw two large units of 18 Light Infantry in two ranks lurking in the village.  We also had loads of skirmishers out front.

Terrain is a river with a couple of fords running sort of at an angle across the centre of the field. As defenders, we have a wood and a low hill to our left. In our centre is another low hill, while our right flank rests on a town.
We start by advancing our left, moving an extra unit of infantry across a ford so as to add weight to this flank. Our centre advances to hold the space between the river and the village. The plan is to overwhelm the enemy right wing and hope that a decent defensive line in the centre would see off the opposition there.
The enemy advances pretty much all along the line, with their columns making for the ford on their side of the field.  Some of the units on their left spend a bit of time in manoeuvres as they start to get into position for an all-out attack on our centre.
You'll notice that almost all of the skirmishers have gone now. Above, our left advances as the opposition lines up against our centre. Their large infantry column comes across the ford and deploys into line, ready to attack our troops on the hill.

Above: both sides complete preliminary manoeuvres. Our left outnumbers the infantry facing them, while the tight squeeze in the centre has forced the attackers to drop some Battle Carts back into a second wave.
The attacks go in. The map doesn't quite show it properly, but there isn't enough space for our left centre Battle Carts to come into the side of the enemy infantry as they advance on our hill position.
Fighting is now general all across the field. On our left, the Light Infantry have vanished in a puff of smoke, but their presence has helped to damage the enemy line. Both of their units here are now in serious trouble due to our superiority in numbers. The struggle in the centre is desperate as both of the main infantry units dish out great amounts of damage. The two units of Battle Carts fight it out in heroic fashion. The enemy Warband does well, however, and if there is a going to be a breakthrough, this is where it will be. The lone unit of enemy Light Infantry turns out to be their guards, so even though they are outnumbered they give a good account of themselves at our right extremity.
Our left wins out. Our central infantry unit just wins the fight on the hill; the Battle Carts to their left retire after taking loads of grief from the surviving enemy skirmishers across the river. Their Warband breaks through in an uncontrolled advance, which is good for us because it takes them out of the fight. Our rightmost Light Infantry destroys the enemy Guards. The two battling units of Battle Carts are still hard at it. If we destroy theirs, we will win the battle by breaking the enemy army. We can just afford to lose ours.  Either way, this is going to be very close.

And then it's all over. Their Battle Carts just squeak a win, which disorders our infantry on the hill. The Battle Carts hit the infantry flank at the same time as the enemy reserve charges and finishes us off. If we had managed one more hit on their Battle Carts, even as our own routed, we would have won by breaking their army.  This period seems to be quite exciting, because apart from the elite chariot-type things, everyone else is vulnerable. None of the infantry has any real armour, and there are some very unusual troop types that you won't see so much in later forces (for example, the Guard Light Infantry). The game can swing backwards and forwards. It's definitely not for the faint-hearted. I don't see myself constructing such early armies, though, since it would be starting an entirely new period. Anyway, Simon has plenty to go around. I also have to say that one of my least favourite jobs is painting chariots!

Sunday 6 February 2011

Alfons Canovas

Blogger seems to have settled down a bit more recently, so I can just about make out when someone new decides to follow my blog. From now on I'm going to try to be more courteous and welcome people properly. Alfons Canovas has a blog with some really good resources in the form of uniform plates for the mid-19th century, among other things. So check it out, and thanks to Alfons for linking in.


Tuesday 1 February 2011

On the Painting Tray: February 2011

In January I finished twelve Latin cavalry for my Republican Roman army. In February, the plan is to do another twelve; once I have those, I'll take photos of the whole lot. I've also started using Testor's Dull Cote, which I ordered from Antenocitis Workshop. Up until now, my kids have all been too young to trust around something that smelly. I have always been intending to start using it because matt varnish always comes out with a sheen, which this product helps to remove.  Now that even my youngest is starting to do what she is told (at least around my paints), I decided it was time to start. I can always go back over the rest of the Romans with it later.