Just saying hello and welcome on board to Kurtus Brown, whose blog is here
He has some really good reviews of the new Cigar Box Europe mats at the moment.
Oh, and hello to someone else too - my followers count seems to have gone up, but I can't figure out who you are!? So, a hearty welcome to the Gamer With No Name. Apologies: Blogger has probably buried the information somewhere unreachable in a dark, dingy basement. Must send the kids down for a look...
Retrospective: Twilight's Peak
First published in 1980, *Twilight’s Peak* is the third stand-alone
adventure released for *Traveller* and one of the longest. At 64 pages, it
surpasses ...
41 minutes ago
Well Thanks Caliban. Appreciate the plug to. Oh... I also have my Wall of Shields blog to; all about my ancients gaming as well as a review of DBA and Cigar Box Desert mat. :)
Keep up the good work! :)
Thanks, Kurtus, I've added them both to my bloglist. Google won't let me connect properly at the moment, will try again later...