Our plan was to try to hold the legions as long as possible with the central phalanx and grind one or both flanks. Mark was able to do this on the left, as the combination of Samnites and Italians on the overlap destroyed the Italian militia facing them and seriously damaged the end legion. I failed miserably; the cavalry on both sides cancelled each other out, but my Italian foot ran away on morale, meaning we had no overlap there to even out the odds against the legions. The phalanx collapsed in the centre and it was all over.
Stupid quote of the night: "At least we are controlling the tempo of the skirmish fight" (me).
The Romans have now efficiently conquered central and southern Italy. They will in the near future have three options: Sicily; a seaborne attack on mainland Greece; or Northern Italy (Cisalpine Gaul).
After the battle we rolled for the next series of events. Carthage failed (again) with a seaborne attack on Sicily. The Macedonians, thwarted by the success of the Persian rival claimant to the throne in Syria, have decided to keep that as a buffer state. Instead, they are attacking into the area of Pontus along the southern Black Sea littoral, where they will face a loyalist Persian army in our next game. This should be played in two weeks' time.
Really enjoying reading through these reports, Paul.
Thanks! Tonight the Macedonians try to beat the Persians again. I'm finding Blogger to be a handy way of commemorating the games we play.