Monday 10 March 2014

Billy's Success in Dumfries

Billy took his American Civil War to Dumfries for the Albanich show.  I couldn't make it myself, but I promised to post the photos:
Setting up.
The terrain looks as though it's all in place.
A full table shot, with Billy looking regal.
One of the action close-ups.  Billy did the whole lot himself: figures, terrain tiles and scenery.
Another action shot.  They seem to like fighting over bridges in this war...
Up close and personal, this time!
A well deserved best in show, being inspected by one of the little metal participants.
And also by the players.  From the left as you look at it: Graham, Billy, Roy and Bill.
And, to finish, a gratuitous shot of a WWII beach scene.  I'm not sure of this was another game at the show, or a photo of some of Billy's other stuff, but it looks good anyway.

Quick edit: Willie told me on the phone that the WWII game was one of the other lovely ones at the show - by folks from Cumbria, I think.


  1. Sounds like a great game, beautiful pics!

  2. I was there with the Falkirk lads - I must say the game looked great and was a worthy winner of best in show

    1. Hi David, it's looking as though this will be the game we bring to Carronade this year. My work is full on so I can't realistically commit to another ancients game. besides, it's somebody else's turn for a change!

  3. Yes, a well-deserved award for the ACW game - great looking action and terrain going on.

  4. A great looking game. Thanks for posting the photos despite not being there. I guess that the landing craft carried the day? (ha, ha!!)

    1. hi James - perhaps crewed by the ACW men's grandsons!?

  5. Great stuff Paul well deserved win.We are also abandoning Ancients for Carronade but you will just have to wait and see!
    Brian Westerhope Wargames.

  6. Hi Brian, good to hear from you. I'll make sure to look in on you at Falkirk, then - sounds intriguing.
