Thursday, 12 June 2014

Roman Casualties

The finest kind:
I've done this before, when I needed casualty markers for my Republican Romans for Zama.  Nobody at that time made plastic Republicans, so I used Wargames Factory plastics and cut the bases off them.  The good thing about that is I can use them for this project as well.  I reckon I'll need five for each legion, so that means I already have enough for four legions - two with red shield designs and two with white.  The guys in the photo above are for the Alaudae, who have blank red shields so that I can also use them as auxiliaries.  The notches are for my home made clock-face dials. The running total for this year now stands at 296 foot; 105 cavalry; and seven elephants with riders. 


  1. Cool markers! I may look into plastic for markers as well. I bought a handful of Mirliton Roman casualties which i like but no variation.

  2. Thanks for looking, everyone - this is a lot cheaper than buying metal casualty figures!

  3. Hi Andrew, thanks for looking. I must admit, it does give a certain...satisfaction to squish Romans into the muck!

  4. Nice work on these casualty figures; I've gone the lazy route and use Litko small white skull tokens. :) Best, Dean

    1. Hi Dean, thanks for looking - I originally started doing these for large display games, so any time I paint an army I make some more. Besides, one can't have enough casualties, so long as they're Romans!
