I have been gaming since school, moving from historical figures gaming through role playing and back again. I decided to Blog after being persuaded by some friends that it's time I joined the digital age properly. The plan is to showcase various goings-on in my gaming life and keep it updated as much as I possibly can, barring work and real life. Speaking of which - now that I have been on Bogger for a while - I have decided to expand my blogging acxtivities to my work life as well.
From Good to Great
Are you ready to take your miniature wargaming experience to the next
level? In this video, we reveal one simple yet powerful tip that can transform
Ingolstadt Campaign – Day Two
*Campaign Map*
*13 August 1813 – Southern Germany – Day 2 *
French attack Buxheim and occupy Weichering
7th French army – attack Buxheim
8th French arm...
Belgian Chasseur Ardennais support battalion
Belgian Chasseur Ardennais support Battalion
Each Regiment of the Belgian Army has four regiments, 3 rifle and one
support battalion. It consisted of M...
South Atlantic 1982
This is a new title from the Osprey Air Campaign series by Angus Konstam,
which examines the carrier campaign in the Falklands War. While there are
Clone Wars Project
The crashed Republic ship is now finished. I added some carbon scoring with
the Tamiya weathering kit. I also painted some magic 'shifter' paint on the
There shall be rumours of things going astray
As I get older, with house moves, hobby re-organisations, and household
purges in increasing numbers behind me, I am often beset by a sense that I
used t...
Some gaming updates
So last fall, Bruce suggested we pool a list of games we wanted to play
again and then work our way through them. There are about 20 games on the
list wi...
A Few More Warlord Games Landsknechts
Besides the officer in full plate armor, the rest of the figures are from a
Wargames Illustrated free sprue my buddy gave me a while ago. One has been
Stolberg Corridor - Day Six
September the 18th 1944. The newly arrived German 12th Infantry Division
along with the somewhat mauled 6th Panzer keep up the pressure on the US
3rd Ar...
Shadow warriors
Next out in my High Elf painting project is a large unit of Shadow Warrior
lead by a High Elf Ranger.
And I just got the Arcane Journal book for the...
Campaign Updates: Ten Years
Because of unexpected real life distractions, I didn't referee either Barrett's
Raiders or Dolmenwood this week. Despite that, I wasn't about to cancel
Never hit a Hittite
We had another bash with Basic Impetus this morning, with Peter fielding
the Hittites against my New Kingdom Egyptians. I was hoping for a different
FPW - Battle of Drouvile Part I
So Thursday night and we had a full complement of players to kick off the
game. No need for any last minute re-shuffling of the commands, which was a
bit o...
Archaeology In The Lead Pile
Digging down through the various strata of *The Lead Pile* recently, I came
across several packs of horsemen for the 30mm ECW project. Now, there
Lasalle - The Battle of Colditz 1813
Taking our experiments with playing Lasalle in Epic scale further, and
learning from our previous game, this time we adopted 60mm Base Widths and
a la...
Greyhawkery Comics: Cultists #9
Welcome back to another maniacal episode of the *Cultists of Tharizdun*.
One of their favorite pursuits is finding lost relics in an effort to
destroy th...
Aha! Back at last
Well...what's seven months between friends?
Loads been going on. 1809 going apace still. Certainly in 20mm but also in
Ray Charles scale, 10mm. Slow pro...
An Affair at San Sebastien - The Opening Action
Our game takes place near the small town of San Sebastien, that lies in a
lush valley about 100 miles west of Valencia. It is an area of mixed
loyalty an...
Ode to Quarrie and Bavarian Cream
A New Twist on an Old FavoriteAs many of you know, the Tennant Collection
of miniatures features many that were used in the pages of the Airfix Guide
to N...
Some new old books...
A few books that I've recently picked up (all secondhand because I'm
*The Indian Mutiny by Saul David*
An interesting read so far. And lots ...
1/3000 WW2 USN and IJN Destroyer Basing
There are big ships and there are small ships, but in the end (or rather to
start with) they all have to be based. With this in mind I turned to a
dusty pi...
Reconquista 10
Time has moved quickly this month and there are a few things in the
sidelines that have or will be completed for the AHPC XV.
When starting a new projec...
Orc Heavy Infantry (Oathmark)
I’ve finished painting my latest unit for my large plastic Orc & Goblin
army. This is a unit of 30 Orc Heavy Infantry with hand weapon and shield,
from the...
Battle of Pavia - 500th Anniversary Refight
Last afternoon (technically one day before the anniversary of the battle)
we refought the Battle of Pavia, to commemorate its five hundreth
anniversary, ...
1/72 Napoleonic Portuguese Cavalry and infantry
Hi guys
Finished the painting on a 1/72 Napoleonic Portuguese Cavalry and infantry
regiment, the figures are 3D printed using MC miniatures files, thes...
The game with everything!
*This is a preview of the game we intend to have on Sunday-but why "the
game with everything?"....*
*The table layout-a siege game with
Don't wake the dragon!
We tried a new scenario recently for *Oathmark*. It was basically a meeting
engagement, but when you arrive at the battlefield, you find a dragon
Confederate Cavalry
This will be third submission to the challenge and my second cavalry. I
painted a union cavalry and now I'm adding a confederate to keep pace with
20mm War of 1812 Second Phase Complete!
The second phase of Bill's Frying Pan & Blanket Amalgamated commission is
based, sealed, and ready to pack for shipping! These 302 figures took
around two ...
Colonel Claude Runciman and Josefina Lacosta
I was suffering with "the Lurgy" this week but had a quick change from 6mm
to 28mm.
So I pulled out a couple of figures in the 28mm Napoleonic backlog t...
Dulcop - Napoleonic French Infantry - 54 mm
I was happy I could buy these two figures in another bunch of old figures.
I love the Dulcop figures and I like to paint them now and then. these two
The Shadow of the Torturer - Bruce Pennington
Wishing everyone a (belated) happy and prosperous 2025
and Best Wishes for the coming year!
Think it's ...
New Year 2025
Happy New Year!
A couple of quick updates.
First off, my goal for a vampiric Deadcember was a pretty big flop. But I
did get this lovely couple and their...
2024 in review
The best laid plans, as they say, once again... (and we'll see how 2025's
plans look in the next post!)
There's a big 'ole right outside
my bedroom window...
66 AD - Rebellion in Judaea
Protest against excessive tax measures brought Judaeans to the point of
rebellion. The Roman governor Gessius Florus issued orders for the various
Beja completed!
This week I have finished the Beja contingent for the Mahdists - I've
halved the Mahdist lead pile! It's not the end of painting Mahdists for a
while lon...
Seven Years War at Partizan
Sorry for the lack of posts this last few weeks! I have been very busy
getting the, Seven Years War, demonstration game ready for the 2nd Partizan
show ...
"Lust for Glory" at Colours
Here are a few shots of the first test game of the "horse and musket" rules
I've been working on, tentatively named "Lust for Glory."
This was the fir...
Mounted Wizard
This month I alsopresent a figure from
Reeper Bones that I still had in my stash.
It's the Dwarf Mounted Battle Mage and judging
by the packaging I've ...
Again with the delays...
Welp, still here although hard to tell that recently!Seems to be one
problem after another and sometimes compounded - work getting worse with
personnel sh...
Tabletop Terraformation
Only God, the poet writes, can make a tree. But you can make or buy all
manner of miniature facsimiles that will enhance your wargame table and
make your...
Flames of war - Halmstad game-tournament, May 2024
Early May this year I attended to one of the bigger and nicer
events in my opinion, Flames of war - game tournament!
The tournament was situated in a ver...
Littoral Commander - First Impressions
Littoral Commander is a modern to *futuristic* (more on this later) era
wargame, focused on a potential conflict between US Marine (USMC) and
Chinese Peo...
Battle of Jena 1806
A view across the battlefield showing the state of play at the end of turn
We are currently in the midst of fighting a wonderful 1806 scenario
New Fantasy sets from Alliance
I know, I havent been active for..???..a long time but I keep looking at
what´s going on in the world of bods..and today I found
these.....Apparently the...
The Lyrans are coming!
Well, not quite - this is my attempt at a Battle Station. It would
actually do for pretty much any of the major powers, but I gave it a base
sandy color...
Shields and Armour in Mycenaean Warfare
This article was inspired by Allan JC Smith’s Master’s thesis entitled *Mycenaean
Warfare and the Mycenaean Tower Shield, a foundationa...
This is Minuteman: Two-Three
Since my wargaming hobby has taken a back(far back) seat to my simming
hobby, I've gone from reading books about the Napoleonic wars etc. To
listening t...
Hurricon 2022 Photo Report: A Bit Late...
It has been several months since my last post, which was photos from
HMGS-South's Recon 2022 convention. I thought I had deleted the photos in
this post,...
Happy New Year!
Hi all,
It's been a busy year in Monkeyland, In addition to a range of life events
(back to work in-person, promptly getting Covid, the birth of my nep...
Snitgob the Mountain Troll
Hi everyone, I've managed to complete this Mountain Troll, part of my
Goblin Army for the 'Dragon Rampant' fantasy rules.
Acquired from Ral Partha miniat...
The Dam in the Hills
*Sir Blanque* - swordsman and handsome, dashing noble half mer-person
*Marion* - stabby stabby dagger specialist; Nihrain who currently carries
the Runes...
The Dam in the Hills
*Sir Blanque* - swordsman and handsome, dashing noble half mer-person
*Marion* - stabby stabby dagger specialist; Nihrain who currently carries
the Runes...
23rd October, Hampshire
Alton DBA and the 2021 UK DBA League
After nearly 2 years (since Tarrington 2019), with a trip down to Alton,
we were able to wind up the DBA League's...
Vallejo Guides Broken
It has recently come to my attention that the LINKS on my vallejo paint
guide pages are not currently working as expected and readers are not able
to vie...
326 BC The Battle of Hydaspes
Just posting a few images from the game we played yesterday afternoon, The
Battle of Hydaspes, where Alexanders veteran army fought the Indian King
Airplane stands for my Aeronefs
I've been working on different ideas for my aeronef stands - and finally
got a solution I'm happy with.
For the Aeronef and Imperial Skies rules, hexago...
Crimson Fists Chapter Master Pedro Kantor
I kolejna figurka skończona:).
Tym razem żywiczny Pedro od Games Workshop. Zamysł był taki aby pancerz był
podniszczony by był był... stąd wszelkie rozja...
Fighting for Hearth and Home
When word came from the Watchers that the host of Iron Men in the pass had
taken the North East road, the Elder of Smawlton was quick to send word to
Duke ...
2020 Plan
A little late but here we go
Playing games is always the most important part of wargaming for me and the
target remains 100 games. I think I may struggle...
Sci-Fi Hangar by Impudent Mortal
I don't like MDF building kits. There are so many minor details that irk me
— the perfect 90 degree accuracy, the little pegs that show through on
Still here (kind of)...
G'day All,
A number of people have reached out to check on me knowing we have awful
bushfires here at the moment. The scale defies explanation and what the...
Merry Christmas from the Duke of Tradgardland
Father Christmas has enlisted some help in delivering the presents this
year in the Duchy. I do hope these fellows can be relied upon..
Merry Christmas to y...
Project finished...........well, sort of.
Nice little group of Afrika Korp vehicles to choose from now for a game of
Bolt Action. This lot are resin Blitzkreig Miniatures.
50mm anti-tank gun fr...
Keluaran Togel Hongkong (HK) Terbaru
[image: togel hongkong] Data pengeluaran togel hongkong dan keluaran result
hk pada tahun 2017 merupakan tahun pertama dimana hongkong pools mengalami
The Battle of Valcour Island, October 11th 1776
My visit to the Smithsonian National Museum of American History back in
August, in particular the exhibit on the gunboat Philadelphia, gave me a
little bit...
15mm Savage Northmen Cavalry........
*.....from the north and Copplestone Castings!*
*Lots painted but blogging is becoming a little harder to achieve lately
but anyway let's be getting on......
Hello Everyone (if anyone is still linked to this blogger account)
I haven't posted in a very long time. I have been active doing alot of
stuff but ive bee...
Crusades revisited
Hi Gents,
A miserable day here in Scotland which led me to the games room and a few
pics of the Crusade collection (my personnel favourite) this will be
42 Murray regiment of Foot
Since I am concentrating on battlefields around our Maison for battlefield
tours and wargaming them I am selling off my English units for the French
Saga AoM Great Kingdoms
Saga Age of Magic is taking off in the Twin Cities and I just finished my
1st fantasy warband, the Great Kingdoms. I'll be taking them on the road
next wee...
Sharp Practice AAR Enfilade 2019
Well my two table Sharp Practice Scenario previously presented here, went
well at the NHMGS ENFILADE Convention this past Memorial Day weekend. It
Mortal Gods - First Playthrough
So my mate, Alan, has been waiting with fevered anticipation for this to
arrive and so when the postie delivered Mortal Gods (originally by a
company ca...
A wonderful surprise!
Saturday morning at Adepticon my oldest son Gregory and his very creative
wife Rebecca surprised me by coming to see my game. In addition to this
most wel...
A New Painting Studio and Workshop
All things must come to an end and time waits for no man. I have been
ousted from my outbuilding by my wife, and have been banished to the top of
the house...
Blucher Revisited
Hi Team
It's been a few months since I played a game of BLUCHER so Rowan and I
decided to have another game.
We settled on 250 points each and Rowan comman...
Visit to Waterloo
I was incredibly lucky to have had the chance to travel to 1 of our
Napoleonic bucket list battlefields this month. With 3 other Napoleonic
daft chaps we ...
I am writing a BOOK!
That's right, fellow blog fans! I've decided to write a book about painting
wargaming collections. It will be going to Kickstarter this *Friday, March
NAPOLEON ET LA RUSSIE ( Nº 2 ) 1805-1807
French Line Infantry
Here are two battalions of 1812 to 1815 French Line Infantry. The figures
are all Perry Miniatures, a mix of plastic and metal and most of them...
Cohors I Numidarum: composition
*I have been making slow progress with the auxilia, while being distracted
by recent Victrix EIR releases … and seduced by their forthcoming African
war e...
We've moved
We are now blogging on English at the University of Gloucestershire and our
new Twitter address is @EnglishGlos. Thanks to all who read, followed,
The Skinwalker Tribes for Dracula's America
Just a quick post as I managed to get around to digging out my *Dead Man's
Hand* figs so I could add them to my North Star figs and so take a pic of
my ...
More Pic's - 10mm ECW Project
London Auxiliaries- Green Regiment for the Government
London Trained Bands- Yellow Regiment for the Government
Sir George Booth’s Horse and Owen Cambrid...
For a change of focus, we pulled out Rhys' 15th-century figures to give
them an outing using DBA, version 2; I'm not sure if either of us own a
copy of ver...
AWI Project: Beginnings - The Rebels
Following on from my post on the British side of the AWI, here are some of
the American troops. 1st Maryland, some mounted command, Southern Militia,
and s...
Huzzah! More hussars!
*CR Nr. VI, von Labradoodle's Hussars*
Not to be outdone by their scarlet cousins, CR Nr. VI von Labradoodle's
blue-coated hussars are every bit as dashing ...
Hussite War Wagons
War wagons are one of those things I've often wanted but had shied away
from for many years. I think I bought the first of these at a show where
there w...
Hougoumont at 1:3 scale - a late report
*West Country Hougoumont*
There were such a lot of photos on this game that it took me over 18 months
to get round to doing a proper report on my blog. Ja...
KublaCon 2017
So, last weekend I was at KublaCon, a four day Con at the Hyatt Regency in
Burlingame, CA.
*Friday 3PM Speed-Painting!:*
*Speed-Painting contest! Can yo...
Nnnnnnineteen, nineteen
Hobby News ... salute a distant memory, LARP moot1 done, the GEF
approaching, hopefully a game of CnC naps this week to break the
draughtCommission Paintin...
Otherworld Idol 2
Deuxième vidéo, avec le travail sur les éclairages : c'est pas vraiment un
truc que j'ai l'habitude de faire, en tous cas en dehors du zénital et des
Finding My Brush - Turkish Pirate
After a long lay off from painting, about 6 months, I've again picked
up the brush. The painting desk has been dusted, paints organized, brushes
More World War Two Stuff for Syria.
Having actually played a second game of Chain of Command and enjoyed it I
decided to spend some hard earned cash & add some extra support elements
for my ...
Samurai - Introduction - Dual Charge Gaming
Love the KoW look and fitting the models to the scene. Don't foeget to
check out Warlord Games for the models.
German Noble
This chap has been sitting on my desk since God knows when, which is a real
shame as he is my favourite medieval figure of all time.
Not sure who he ...
'The Pikeman's Lament' arrives
In today’s post I received a familiar shaped cardboard package. It was, as
I hoped, the latest release from Osprey Publishing, ‘The Pikeman's Lament’.
Tollandor - Political Map
The erstwhile Kingdom of Tollandor, situated in south eastern portion of
the continent of Fayrenneth is one of the group of young kingdoms which
sprang ...
Impetus , Antignous the one eye vs Eumenes
Tried the full game today and will play again. All photos by Randy, a good
write up of the game on his blog.
Aksesories Untuk iPhone 6 di Yogyakarta
IPhone 5.5-inch 6 A rilis akan mengambil tempat cepat Than diharapkan
[analis] desas-desus besar diletakkan untuk beristirahat awal pekan ini.
Kami telah ...
A Naval Project?
Hi everyone. Been a long while since I did an update here on the Wall of
Shields. For one thing I had to shut the blog down for a while as I was
DRAGONES DE NUMANCIA 1808 15mm / Lasalle based
Queridos seguidores,
Os presento mi visión de los Dragones de Numancia en la Guerra de la
Independencia .
Aunque no participo en la batalla de Bar...
¡Imagenes Borradas! Deleted Images!
Parece ser que muchas de las imagenes de este blog han desaparecido. Se ve
que Inageshack me la ha jugado, así que en cuanto pueda arreglaré todos los
Sin autem propter fluctus aut impetus aperti pelagi destinae arcas non
potuerint continere, tunc ab ipsa terra sive crepidine puivinus quam
firmissime stru...
El Cid - Reconquista pt 8
I have just finished up four bases of Skirmish bow. I have been busy with
school - still - so I have not had too much time for painting. I am at
least on t...
Gone Painting
Once again I have decided to join in the madness that is The Analogue
Hobbies Painting Challenge, which has become the biggest online painting
event of the...
Hordes and Heroes on Hexes
Alliteration FTW!!
Wow! Doesn't time fly? It's hard to believe it's been nearly a year since I
posted anything here, but there's been a fairly good reason ...
20mm WW2 - M20, M10 and M8
There we go again. I had a long break from painting but a trip to Salute
and a vist to Normandy in May did the trick this time. I've sort of
finished the A...
Hope everyone is well. Keep creating.
My daddy "Captain Richard" love creating burning or destroyed buildings.
This is one of my favorites. He had since dismantled this one as everything
was i...
Mage the Awakening: No Mean City
Way, way back in 2011 I spoke about starting a Werewolf: The Forsaken Game
chronicile in Glasgow. It kind of fell through, but I've about to start
DMing a...
The Men of the North
Wow, it's been a REALLY long time since i've posted anything on the blog. A
lot has happened since the last post back in October. Besides the usual
I'm Back!!!!!!
Back burner project, have had this on hold for so long now, it really needs
finishing off, and with the advent of the new plastics from Victrix, the
Noble Knight games comes through again!!!
I have just concluded several transactions with Noble Knight games, the
first being some ASL stuff mainly and then some miscellaneous hex and
counter games...
Euron Grejoy and a Braavosi bravo
Just a quick post to drop pictures of a couple figures I have semi-finished
(i.e. basing time has not come around yet: I usually wait until I have a
Is this the End? Maybe for a While.
Some of you are probably wondering why there hasn't been any updates on the
website for a while? Well, it's because I'm winding down Lead Legion
Painting S...
D&D Fifth Ed. Starter Box
Another package waiting for me today when I arrived home from work; the D&D
fifth edition starter box. A bit of an impulse buy when I ordered it, but
A really nice scene I caught on my phone the other night while out for a
stroll. The harvest is upon us!!
Well it has been a wonderful spring and ear...
Quick Note
This is just a quick note, to make sure that everyone sees I have a new
page up, with figures I am willing to part with. That is trade or sell to
anyone in...
Taking Stock
After six months of being away I needed to take stock of where I am on my
Punic Wars project and set some new goals for getting some things
completed. I ha...
Reichenberg 1757 part II
In Piquet Field of Battle wird zu Anfang jeder Runde die beiden Command Die
gegeneinander gewürfelt, respektive D12+1 für die Preußen und D12 für die
Thracian Mercenaries
Those are the somewhat recently released Warlord's Games 'Thracians
with Romphaia' metal miniatures. I figured those would be quick to paint up
but ...
Fortified Chapel
Hi, folks. Here's another bit of terrain for our Kings of War table. It's a
fortified chapel made from a Pegasus Hobby Gothic City Building Large Set.
I ad...
THE DEATH AND RE-BIRTH of a gaming blog
Hello everyone... if anyone is even still reading this blog!?
It's been a long time since I have posted anything here, Sunday, October
30th, 2011 to be pre...
Paper buildings
This post shows my first and rough attempts to use paper buildings for
scenics. On the web you can find plenty of them both free and to pay. The
ones I u...
Fotos Jornades Alpha Ares 2013
Hola a tothom,
Com que encara estan reparant la meva càmara; no puc oferir fotos pròpies
de les Jornades de Portes Obertes del club Alpha Ares que es van ...
When in Rome: Paint and Decals
Didn't have much time to get much in the way of painting completed but at
lest I managed to get some of the Aventine Miniatures into a new coat of
paint an...
Trying out a kickstarter
If you frequent TMP much you'll have noticed that Kick-starters have taken
off in a big way the last year or so. Up until now I have quite happily
avoid th...
Raphia - the game
Just a few quick and dirty shots to give an idea of how the game looked.
The Seleucid line
The Ptolemaic line
Initial deployment.
Close up of the Sel...
That is not dead which can eternal lie ...
... and with strange aeons even death may die.
I'm not dead, just working on something else. That "something else" should
be released before the end of the...
Metal finishes
Here's the first model painted with the Alcald line of metallic paints.
It's a Korean war era fighter. F-86F
Been pretty busy working on scale models t...
Talisman Boardgame
Recently, "Fantasy Flight" company re-published old classic - "Talisman"
boardgame. I was aware of the game but never played it before. Few months
ago I p...
Here we have some dastardly Hun allies for my Gothic led raiding party.
Here are the armies I have lined up for next Tuesdays game.
no Name
1 ...
28mm terrain for AE Bounty
just a progress shot of some modular terrain boards Im working on for AE
these are 2 out of 4 boards im working on. each is 24 b...
There are many of you good fellows out there for whom painting 28mm figures
is a dawdle, and you will have your figure painting techniques honed to
The wounds received at the battle of Zama on Saturday have now healed and
once again I am about to attack those pesky Romans, this time with a paint
Byzantine Army - Part Two
Well, I will start this blog episode with a hearty thanks to Jim aka
ColCampbell from TMP! Thanks to his advice on how blog the pictures and the
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